Every day, an old man came to listen to Master Hyakujo’s teachings. After the lecture, he would always slip away silently.
One day, the master stopped him on his way out and asked — “Who are you?”
The old man replied — “I am not a human being. In a past life, I was a Zen master. One of my students asked if an enlightened person is subject to cause and effect. I answered, ‘No,’ and for this answer, I was reborn as a fox for 500 lifetimes. I am seeking the correct teaching to achieve liberation from my condition.”
Master Hyakujo thought for a moment and replied — “An enlightened person is one with cause and effect.”
Upon hearing this, the old man was instantly freed. He bowed to the master — “I am no longer bound to the fox’s body. Please give me a proper burial.”
The next day, Hyakujo led the monks to a cave where they found the body of a fox.